Industry Data & Market Research

2022-2027 Insurance Market Forecast

U.S. Market Forecast & Outlook

Forecasting the trends in the market size for the Insurance industry is a necessary part of the business planning process. AnythingResearch forecasts are used by
  1. Financial institutions seeking to understand credit-worthiness prior to lending
  2. Investors evaluating startups, venture opportunities, and equities
  3. Corporations setting strategy and sales & marketing objectives
  4. Startups demonstrating the "market opportunity" for their business

Insurance market forecast 2023-2024

Forecast / Industry Outlook 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Market Forecast ($ millions)
Projected Industry Growth Rate (%)
Source: AnythingResearch Economic Analysis

The future growth of the Insurance is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include structure and competition within the industry, market demand, and innovative and disruptive factors. External factors include the state of the economy and cyclical patterns.

Insurance Competitor Landscape & Key Companies [PREMIUM]

The most influential companies in the Insurance industry and adjacent industries either have large market share or are developing new business models and methods that could disrupt the status quo. We look at leading and emerging companies in the Insurance industry and adjacent sectors:

Market Leaders:
Direct Competitors

Companies with the largest market share, focused in this industry
Market leaders:
Diversified Competitors

Largest companies that have diversified operations in this and other industries
Direct Competitors

Innovative, Emerging, and Disruptive Companies that may influence the future direction of the industry.
Diversified Competitors

Innovators and Disruptors in adjacent industries that may also affect the Insurance industry.

Innovation News

Executive Briefings

The market for agricultural productivity traits is highly competitive, and Cibus faces significant competition. The development of productivity traits are the primary target of plant breeding programs and a key basis of competition in the “seed and trait” business. These technologies underpin the expected performance of a given seed and are the primary basis for competition in the seed business. These technologies are generally developed internally by seed companies, but they are often bought or licensed from third parties such as other seed companies, the many academic institutions that have large programs, or independent trait developers. The most likely competitors are likely to come from a relatively small number of major global agricultural chemical companies, including BASF, Bayer, - 21 - Corteva AgriScience, and Syngenta, smaller biotechnology research companies and institutions, including Arcadia Biosciences, Benson Hill Biosystems, Inari Agriculture, KeyGene, Pairwise Plants, Precision BioSciences now Elo Life Systems, Yield10, and academic institutions. The Company's major competitors in some instances may also be its customers. Many of the companies above license out traits they have developed but sometimes they retain the rights for both competitive reasons and technical reasons.Many of Cibus’ current or potential competitors, either alone or with their R Minnesota Life Insurance